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依據統計資料,在連續數年陷於低迷不景氣狀態後,已有回升現象。辦公室及住家租賃行情,隨物件地點、屋齡新舊及周邊設施等而不同。 繼續閱讀
  Paris, France
Translated by Viviane / Brooke
Statistics show that its economy is recovering after years of downturn. Rental rates for offices and houses vary depending on the location, age, and community facilities. full article
台北市房地產 市場月報 2022/08
過去兩年房市買氣暢旺,不但有效降低空屋,也加速新建待售餘屋去化。根據最新統計,去年第四季全國新建待售餘屋連續二季跌破七萬宅、僅約六.九七萬宅,是自二○一六年第二季的五年多來次低;若對比二○一八年最高峰時的八萬餘宅,已去化一萬餘宅、減幅近十三%。但在全國空屋、新建待售餘屋同步減少下,台南市去年第四季的新建待售餘屋數卻創史上新高。 繼續閱讀
巴黎十五區為法國首都巴黎的20個行政區之一,該區座落在巴黎最南端,並位於塞納河左岸。巴黎十五區最知名之處就是它是以住宅區為主的一個街區,市內的其中一條主要幹道從中貫穿此區,在當地這區塊也被稱作 Vaugirard (伏吉拉爾)。這邊主要是巴黎的住宅區,也是許多優秀的麵包店、市集和餐館的聚集地。在巴黎最能好好欣賞艾菲爾鐵塔美景的地點非此莫屬,其他區大概都望塵莫及。在十五區,幾乎各個角落都能一睹這座巴黎「鐵娘子」的風采 。
  The 15th Arrondissement of Paris
The 15th arrondissement is one of the 20 arrondissements of Paris. This neighborhood is the most southern part of Paris proper and located on the "Rive Gauche" (left bank). The 15th arrondissement is best known for being a neighborhood that is primarily residential. Due to one of the main boulevards cutting through the middle of the neighborhood, the area is known locally as Vaugirard. The neighborhood, which is mostly a residential area of Paris, is home to several fantastic boulangeries, marketplaces, and eateries. Perhaps no other neighborhood in Paris offers a greater view of the Eiffel Tower. Views of the Iron Lady can be seen from practically every corner.
  Statue de la Liberté Paris
Located on the river Seine in the 15th arrondissement, the Île aux Cygnes (Isle of Swans) has a bronze Statue of Liberty that was inaugurated in 1889. It is the largest and oldest replica in Paris standing 16m tall. While Liberty in New York was a gift from the French, this statue in Paris was a gift from the Americans. The statue represents the republican ideal that served as the foundation for both countries. Unlike the original Statue of Liberty in New York, this statue can only be seen from the bridge and cannot be visited by the general public.
  Parc André Citroën
The Parc André-Citron is one of Paris's most relaxing parks. The park was established in 1992 and is named after André Citroen. It is located on the former site of a Citroen automobile factory. The park now has a variety of unique highlights, with the hot air balloon in the center of the park perhaps being the greatest. The hot air balloon ascends to a height of 300 meters. The Ballon Generali is now comparable to the Eiffel Tower in terms of highest city viewpoints. The hot air balloon carries 50,000 guests each year into the clouds over Paris.
蒙帕納斯大樓全景觀景台的56樓室內和59樓戶外全景露台,均可欣賞到巴黎周邊地區的壯麗景色。巴黎最棒的風景,包含最具代表性的艾菲爾鐵塔,都可以從這座位於巴黎左岸的建築物上遠望觀賞。遊客們搭乘這座全歐洲最快速的電梯,只要38秒的時間便能抵達全景露台。此處曾於2012年進行翻新裝修,並已設有自助導覽,能幫助遊客們更了解這座城市的歷史。 了解更多
地點:33 avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris, France
Tour Montparnasse
The indoor 56th floor and the outdoor 59th panoramic terrace of the Montparnasse Tower Panoramic Observation Deck both provide stunning views of the surrounding Paris area. The best view of Paris, including its well-known symbol, the Eiffel Tower, can be seen from this location, which is on the renowned Left Bank. In the fastest elevator in all of Europe, visitors may reach the panoramic observatory in 38 seconds. This location was renovated in 2012, and it has a self-guided tour that helps tourists in understanding the history of the city. more
Location: 33 avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris, France
白馬莊園酒店 Plénitude 餐廳
Plénitude 餐廳的主廚 Arnaud Donckele 在摘下米其林三星時,登上了2022年米其林指南的頭條。這間新開不久的餐廳在營運的第一年就摘下米其林三星,實為相當罕見。Plénitude 餐廳位於塞納河畔的莎瑪麗丹百貨內,在歷經漫長且所費不貲的翻新裝修後,該百貨現已成為巴黎一個嶄新的奢華餐飲、購物和酒店的集散地。Plénitude 餐廳也因其出色的甜品和糕點,榮獲米其林 Passion Dessert 的獎項殊榮。 了解更多
地點:La Samaritaine, 8 Quai du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France
Plénitude - Cheval Blanc Paris
The Michelin Guide for 2022 made headlines when Chef Arnaud Donckele of restaurant Plénitude received three stars. A new restaurant receiving three stars in its first year in operation is quite uncommon. Plénitude is located in the former Samaritaine department store building on the banks of the Seine, which has undergone a long and expensive renovation to become a new luxury dining, shopping, and hotel destination in Paris. Plénitude also received Michelin's Passion Dessert award for their outstanding desserts and pastries. more
Location: La Samaritaine, 8 Quai du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France
羅治麟 Patrick
Emerald Lake Residence
Puyuan construction has a good reputation. First row facing lake view, the residence has 24-hour property management and is close to MRT Wende Station.
覃筱瑩 Alison
Palatial Suite- Duplex Retreat
The property is near Nanjing Fuxing and Songjiang Nanjing MRT Stations. The development includes an indoor swimming pool, gym, billiard room, KTV, and lounge.
楊佳臻 Jenny
Jiantan Manor
Near MRT Jiantan Exit 3, the transportation is convenient around the area. The villa has a simple yet beautiful landscaped garden.
位於巴黎市西南隅,塞納河左岸的小巴黎⼗五區,鄰近巴黎鐵塔所在地的第七區及都會新貴十六區,同時接壤大巴黎經濟發展最佳的伊西雷穆利諾市 Issy-les-Moulineaux 和布洛涅畢揚古 Boulogne-Billancourt。Ateliers Vaugirard II 建案為5層樓建築規劃,房型為套房及1-4房,步行可達巴黎第一索邦大學,車程10分鐘內可抵巴黎地標艾菲爾鐵塔。所在區域商業繁榮,文化娛樂活動豐富,是生活便利,治安良好的住宅區。商業中心建設完善,熱鬧的商業步行街 Rue du Commerce 和大型現代購物中心 Beaugrenelle,周邊有日韓超市 KMART,生活機能便利。了解更多
  Ateliers Vaugirard II
The project is located in southern Paris, on the left bank of the Seine. The 15th arrondissement is adjacent to the 7th arrondissement where the Eiffel Tower is located and is surrounded by both les-Moulineaux and Boulogne-Billancourt. The Ateliers Vaugirard II project is a 5-storey development with 1-4 bedroom apartments. It is within walking distance to Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a 10 minute car ride to the Eiffel Tower. The area is prosperous in business and rich in cultural and recreational activities. It is a safe residential area with convenient life functions. The commercial center is well-built, with a lively commercial pedestrian street Rue du Commerce and a modern shopping center Beaugrenelle. more
線上雜誌閱讀 full article
穿越一千零一夜 阿拉伯漠地極致野奢
走入古老的漠地綠洲,探索數千年古文明遺址,遊歷古代阿拉伯香料之路,入住最環保的豪華峽谷別墅,體驗彷彿穿越一千零一夜的極致野奢假期。 全文閱讀
  Desert Luxury
Enter the ancient desert oasis, explore the ruins of ancient civilization, and travel the ancient Arabian spice road. Experience the ultimate luxury vacation as if traveling through a thousand and one nights. full article
全球最頂尖的品牌交給34歲的克羅埃西亞年輕人打理?沒錯,這就是 Bugatti 的故事。在歐盟對碳排採更嚴格控管的未來,傳統跑車大廠都得轉型,展現如Lamborghini 與Lotus 這些跑車廠的不同思維。 全文閱讀
  Transforming Hypercar
The world's top car brand is handed over to a 34-year-old Croatian? Yes, that's the Bugatti story. In the stricter control of carbon emissions in the European Union, traditional sports car manufacturers such as Lamborghini and Lotus have evolved. full article
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