擁有寬闊的住家空間,外加一個漂亮的庭院與草皮,一直是許多人印象中典型的「美國夢」形象,然而這不僅在市區很難達成,就連大城市近郊的優質住宅區也不便宜。 繼續閱讀 |
Wealthy Buyers Turn to ''Luxurbs''
Owning a spacious home with a nice garden and lawn has always been the typical image of the "American Dream" for many people. However, not only is this difficult to achieve in urban areas, it is also far from affordable in quality residential areas in the suburbs of major cities. full article |
自 2020 年初以來,一場突如其來的疫情,讓全世界被迫按下暫停鍵。在歷經封城、國境關閉、旅遊限制等種種困頓後,如今隨著疫情趨緩,全球也開始迎來重回正軌的疫後新生活。了解更多 |
Since the beginning of 2020, a sudden epidemic has forced the whole world to press the pause button. Countries have experienced various hardships such as city closures, border closures and travel restrictions. Today, the world is beginning to show post-pandemic recovery with more lives back on track. more |
夏威夷觀光島嶼中最遺世獨立的拉奈島,不僅享有靜謐原始的自然風光,致力於綠化永續與身心健康發展的拉奈島,更是許多人心目中為之嚮往的烏托邦。了解更多 |
Lanai Island is the most secluded island among the Hawaiian islands. It enjoys not only the quiet and pristine natural scenery, but also devotes itself to purifying the body and mind. It is also the utopia that many people yearn for. more |
李建國 James
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群山綠樹環抱,美式裝潢風格,私人大泳池別緻休憩庭園,雙大車庫。距士林天母僅約 15 分鐘車程,離塵不離城。 |
Cypress Villa
Surrounded by mountains, Cypress Villa features American style decoration, private swimming pool, large garden, two garages, and 24hr management. |
蔡吉政 Freeman
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北投溫泉路樹海景觀與大屯山系圍繞之山景豪宅,現代建築工法結合日式和風的傳統特色,物業管理採涵碧樓飯店式管理。 |
Forever Young
Surrounded by greenery, the development features private outdoor and indoor pools, and zen style decoration with security and concierge services from The Lalu hotel. |
吳英才 Bill
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內湖 基泰御峰 優質美宅
鄰近 AIT 使館,氣派外觀豪宅規格,是內湖指標建案。一層兩戶,住戶單純;高雅裝潢細節講究。 |
Kee Tai YuFeng
Kee Tai Yu Feng is the landmark building nearby AIT in Neihu. Two units per floor with elegant decoration, it provides a simple residence environment. |
文華東方酒店住宅,世界首屈一指的酒店品牌,座落於夏威夷檀香山最繁華熱鬧的阿拉莫阿那區市中心,住戶於酒店住宅內可盡享文華東方一流的服務,米其林餐飲及頂級水療設施。文華東方酒店住宅是由國際上屢獲殊榮的設計團隊規劃。在世界上最國際化的島嶼,打造出 37 層樓高 418 英尺,簡約大氣、匠心獨具,藝術品般的住宅,建築與風景的完美結合,詮釋夏威夷的空中生活。僅稀有 99 戶,獨享世界級配套設施,品味文華東方韻味。了解更多 |
The Residences at Mandarin Oriental, Honolulu
The world’s premier hotelier is coming to the world’s most cosmopolitan island, ushering in a rare collection of only 99 Residences artfully composed by an unparalleled team of internationally award-winning designers. The few who take ownership will come to know an incomparable way of life within a private home affording privileged access to world-class amenities and legendary hospitality steeped in the values of the Orient. more |
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