隨著美國聯準會的快速升息,讓美國房市大幅降溫,尤其是去年 11 月初時的 30 年固定利率更曾經達到 7% 以上的峰值,讓許多買主望而縮手,然而該月底開始利率就一路走跌,這是因為通膨指數不斷降溫,因此聯準會升息的壓力也隨之減輕不少。 繼續閱讀 |
Super-luxury Properties Break Records in the Slump
With the rapid increase of interest rates by the U.S. Federal Reserve, the U.S. housing market has cooled significantly. The peak of the 30-year fixed interest rate has also reached over 7% in early November last year, causing many buyers to be hesitant in purchasing real estate. The continuous decrease of CPI by the end of the month has also reduced the pressure on the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. full article |
預計在 2026 年建成的 Old Oak Common 車站,除了將成為英國最重要的超級交通樞紐,並且將成為帶動倫敦西北部舊工業區再生的推手。 了解更多 |
The Old Oak Common Station, which is scheduled to operate in 2026, will not only become the most important transportation hub in the UK, but it will also be the driving force behind the regeneration of Northwest London's old industrial area. more |
在今年新公布的 2021 年英國與愛爾蘭米其林指南中,由愛爾蘭裔主廚 Clare Smyth 所開設的 Core 餐廳,正式從米其林二星晉身為米其林三星餐廳,成為今年度最受矚目的英國新進三星餐廳代表。了解更多 |
In the newly announced 2021 UK and Ireland Michelin Guide, the " Core “ restaurant opened by Irish-born chef Clare Smyth has officially been promoted from a two-star to a three-star Michelin restaurant. All eyes are on this UK's new three-star restaurant this year. more |
2023 Q1 房產市場概要
2023 年 1 月景氣對策信號綜合判斷分數為 11 分,較上月減少 1 分,燈號續呈藍燈;景氣領先指標經回溯修正後呈連續 3 個月上升,同時指標則續呈下跌,仍須密切關注景氣後續變化。受通膨及升息影響,全球經濟成長動能疲弱,終端市場需求低迷,且產業鏈持續調整庫存,致 1 月份生產面、貿易面、金融面、信心面 指標均續呈疲弱,惟內需消費持續熱絡,零售及餐飲業營業額均較去年同期擴增。 了解更多 |
2023 Q1 Property Market Overview
Due to the impact of inflation and interest rate hikes, the global economic growth momentum is weak, terminal market demand is sluggish, and the industry chain continues to adjust inventory, resulting in weak production, trade, finance, and confidence indicators in January. more |
覃筱瑩 Alison
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京城天贊森林樹海尊榮豪邸 B
鄰近高雄凹子底森林公園,自然生態、綠意盎然。36 層鋼骨豪宅,坐南朝北。步行 5 分鐘至捷運站與輕軌站。 |
King Park
The 36-story mansion is close to the Aozihdi Forest Park in Kaohsiung. Walking distance to MRT and light rail station. |
郭宜菁 Evelyn
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關新市政新區,竹科正門核心,郭旭原建築作品,回家信步閒靜森林,凌駕陶朱隱園,凌空永恆樹院,僅此一戶。 |
Paradeisos Pensili
Guo Xuyuan's architectural work is located in the core of Zhuke. Walking home in the neighborhood is as if strolling in a quiet forest. Light rail is accessible nearby. |
劉恆碩 Jason
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綠莊別墅隱身山中,群山環繞。莊潢新穎高雅,自有大庭院,私人車庫。近山仔后商圈生活機能便利。 |
Villa Vert
Villa Vert is surrounded by Yangming mountains, features modern decoration, private swimming pool, garden and private garages. |
TCRW Soho 位於傲視倫敦一區的優質核心地段,緊鄰柯芬花園、西區劇院區、中國城和蘇活區。從住處下樓即可搭乘全新開通的「伊麗莎白線」,僅需 2 分鐘抵達高端購物精華區 Bond Street 邦德街,Crossrail 橫貫鐵路交通線直達金絲雀碼頭商務區及希斯羅機場。建案周邊美食雲集,步行 6 分鐘至 Broadwick 享受道地酒館美食,或是坐上黑色禮車至 Dorchester 的 Alain Ducasse 餐廳品嚐米其林星級美味,滿足最挑剔的味蕾。距離英國國際二級保護建築 Dominion Theatre 達米尼恩歌劇院步行5分鐘,與國際藝術舞台僅一步之遙。TCRW Soho 建案共 92 戶,房型包含套房,1-3 房及頂層公寓,室內設計由 Nicola Fontanellas 及 Argent Design 攜手匠心打造英倫時尚風格。了解更多 |
TCRW Soho is located in the heart of London's premier borough, close to Covent Garden, the West End theatre district, Chinatown and Soho. The new Elizabeth line is just 2 minutes from the residence and a direct rail link to Canary Wharf and Heathrow Airport. In addition, TCRW is just 15 minutes away from the high-end shopping district. The development is surrounded by a wide range of dining options, from a 6-minute walk to Broadwick for an authentic pub experience, to Alain Ducasse in Dorchester for Michelin-starred delights. The Dominion Theatre is a Grade II listed art deco theatre in the heart of London and is only a 5-minute walk from the development. TCRW Soho is a 92-unit development with 1-3 bedroom and penthouse flats designed by Nicola Fontanellas and Argent Design. more |
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