美國向來習慣將本身分成東西岸,各自的生活習慣、經濟活動甚至時區都不相同,然而現在可能還多了一個巨大的不同之處,就是美國東西兩岸的房市。 繼續閱讀 |
One Country, Two Housing Markets; Divided We Stand in the USA
The United States is usually divided into the East Coast and West Coast. These coasts have different lifestyles, economic activities, and even time zones. The most significant difference between these two regions are their housing markets. full article |
俄烏戰爭是自二戰以來全世界所發生最大規模的戰事,而且還發生在全球化時代,這樣的黑天鵝勢必會對世界各地造成不同層面的巨大影響,一個有趣的例子就出現在杜拜。受到通膨與景氣的影響,2022 年的全球主要房市都明顯走跌,成交量也大幅萎縮,但是這樣的情況卻沒有發生在曾經出現泡沫危機的杜拜,這裡的房市反而逆勢走強,在去年整體上漲 11%。 了解更多 |
The Russo-Ukrainian War has the largest conflict in the world with global impact since WWII. In 2022, global housing markets have declined due to inflation and economic conditions, with the exception of Dubai. The Dubai real estate market has grown by 11% overall last year overcoming their previous bubble crisis. more |
曾經在 2015 到 2017 年間,連續 3 年贏得 Asia's Best 50 Restaurants 第一名殊榮的印度名廚 Gaggan Anand,在經歷如同雲霄飛車般的疫情後,新版 Gaggan Anand Restaurant 再次現身曼谷,以愛和叛逆為精神支柱,展開更感性、更不受束縛的全新創意料理征途。了解更多 |
Indian chef Gaggan Anand, who won Asia's Best 50 Restaurants award for three years, has reopened his restaurant in Bangkok. With love and rebellion as his new inspiration, he is embarking on a journey of more emotional and unconstrained cuisine. more |
由 Apple 御用設計團隊 Foster+Partners 所設計的曼谷 Apple Central World,以 360 度圓弧形玻璃牆幕打造出透明開放的建築姿態,是泰國規模最大的一間 Apple 門市,也是 Apple 近年來備受讚譽的最美門市之一。除了以 360 度圓弧形玻璃牆幕,消除室內外的分界,營造出透明開放的建築姿態,並且特別以樹冠為設計概念,藉由原木組合出的中心支柱與樹冠狀天花板,創造出如同大樹庇蔭的建築意象。了解更多 |
Apple Central World in Bangkok is one of Apple's most beautiful and largest stores in Thailand. Designed by Foster+Partners, the store features a 360-degree curved glass facade that creates a transparent and open space. The design draws inspiration from tree canopies, with a central support column and a canopy-shaped ceiling made of natural wood. more |
張國斌 Mike
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位於銅山官邸特區,周圍文化氛圍濃厚。設有庭院露天游泳池,雙併單純。居住環境安全管理嚴謹,尊榮傳家名宅。 |
Tongshan Residence
This property is located in an official residence district. The property has two units per floor, featuring an outdoor swimming pool. |
楊光明 Dean
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鄰近文化大學、歐洲學校,生活機能良好。格局方正,每層面積超過 60 坪。社區提供 24 小時管理,獨立庭院、泳池,極具隱密性。 |
House 8
The villa is located near the European School and CCU, featuring a private garden, swimming pool, and stunning mountain scenery. |
羅治麟 Patrick
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台北 1 號院鋼骨氣派景觀豪邸
由李天鐸大師操刀設計的大氣豪邸,擁有無敵永久棟距景觀,室內挑高 6 米,並且提供 24 小時保全管理。 |
Taipei Palace
This is a grand luxurious mansion designed by Master Li Tianduo. It features a 6-meter high interior ceiling and 24-hour security management. |
泰國曼谷新建案 Tonson One 坐落於著名的外交區中心,位處黃金地段及寧靜的 Soi Tonson,距離 BTS Skytrain Chit Lom 僅 300 公尺,距離世界級百貨購物中心 Central Chidlom 和 Central Embassy 僅 350 公尺。Tonson One 由國際知名公司 A49 Architects、PIA Interior 和 Shma Landscape 共同傾力打造,現代而永恆的牆幕下隱藏著令人讚嘆的室內規劃,無處不充滿了豪華的設施和貼心的細節。這座 29 層的豪華永久產權公寓共擁有 80 席單位,該項目標榜私密性和低密度,每層樓只有 4 個單位。所有單位皆配備齊全,並享有雙向景觀、私人電梯門廳和寬敞的停車位。建案規畫可滿足住戶的綜合生活方式需求:您可在私人健身房鍛練後再暢游於 25 公尺空中泳池,在附有專業廚房的多功能宴會廳為客人舉辦饗宴,或在大堂酒廊的私人包廂進行商務會議
。了解更多 |
Tonson One
Tonson One Residence is an 80-unit luxury freehold condominium in the heart of Bangkok’s prestigious Diplomatic District. Situated on prime and tranquil Soi Tonson, the project is only 300m from BTS Skytrain Chit Lom and 350m from world-class retail destinations Central Chidlom and Central Embassy. Designed by internationally renowned firms A49 Architects, PIA Interior, and Shma Landscape, the modern and timeless curtain-walled exterior conceals a stunning interior filled with luxurious amenities and thoughtful touches. With privacy and exclusivity as highlights, the 29-floor building is low-density with only 4 units per standard floor. All units are fully-fitted and come with double-aspect views, private lift foyer, and generous parking allotment. The project caters well to residents with comprehensive lifestyle needs – one can dip into the 25m sky pool after a workout at the private gym, host dinner for guests at the multi-function room with professional kitchen, or take business meetings in adjustable private rooms at the lobby lounge. more |
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