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據 2023 年《財富報告》指出,詳細盤點了超高凈值人士 ( UHNWI ) 的財務情況,這份報告調查了 500 多名私人銀行家、財富顧問和家族辦公室,背後代表著超過 25 兆美元的總財富。 繼續閱讀 |
Global Family Assets Soar during Pandemic whilst Real Estate Becomes Preferred Store of Wealth
According to the 2023 Wealth Report, a detailed assessment of the financial situation of Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals ( UHNWI ) was conducted. The report surveyed over 500 private bankers, wealth advisors, and family offices, representing a total wealth of over $25 trillion USD. full article |
想像自然,懷抱綠色意境 - 大樓裡的垂直雨林
接近赤道的新加坡,在過去擁有豐富的熱帶雨林景象,後來隨著城市的高度發展,雨林日漸消失,只剩下自然保護區裡仍保有原始雨林生態。為了幫城市找回熱帶雨林記憶,同時讓民眾多一個享受綠意的休閒去處,由丹麥 Bjarke Ingels Group 與義大利 Carlo Ratti Associati 一同合作設計的 CapitaSpring,特別在 51 層樓高的大樓裡,打造出貫穿四個樓層的垂直雨林,並且依照雨林上下植被的分布屬性,來植入植栽,讓大樓裡的植物也能依據日照需求,覓得最佳的生長棲地。
在這座空中花園裡還設置有新加坡最高的屋頂農場,並劃分為五大生態循環區塊,種植超過 150 種香草和蔬果。而屋頂農場所產出的蔬果,則會直接提供給大樓餐廳使用。 了解更多 |
Close to the equator, Singapore once boasted abundant tropical rainforest landscapes, but as the city rapidly developed, the rainforest gradually disappeared, leaving only preserved areas with original forest ecosystems. To recapture the memories of the tropical rainforest within the city and provide a leisure destination for people to enjoy nature, CapitaSpring was designed collaboratively by Denmark's Bjarke Ingels Group and Italy's Carlo Ratti Associati. This 51-story building features a vertical rainforest spanning four floors, incorporating vegetation based on the distribution of plant species in the rainforest, creating optimal habitats for plants based on their sunlight requirements.
The sky garden also features Singapore's highest rooftop farm, divided into five ecological zones, cultivating over 150 varieties of herbs and vegetables. The produce from the rooftop farm is directly supplied to the building's restaurants. more |
從 1886 年第一輛四輪汽車於德國落地後,全球汽車版圖歷經數次更遞。美國自 1913 年靠著流水線生產模式稱霸市場數十年。歐洲則在 1950 至 1970 年間靠著多樣化設計席捲全球。而日本靠豐田汽車的「即時生產方式 ( Just in time ) 」- 僅在需要時生產適當的量以避免浪費,及低油耗車款,趁著 1970 年代石油危機崛起,成為新的霸主。如今特斯拉 ( TESLA ) 掀起的電動車革命,讓汽車版圖再次面臨巨變,誰會成為未來的主導者? 了解更多 |
Since the arrival of the first four-wheeled automobile in Germany in 1886, the global automotive landscape has undergone several significant transformations. The United States dominated the market for decades starting from 1913, thanks to the introduction of assembly line production. Europe, on the other hand, swept the world with diverse designs between 1950 and 1970. Meanwhile, Japan emerged as a new powerhouse during the 1970s oil crisis with Toyota's " Just-in-Time " production method, producing the right amount of vehicles to avoid waste, along with fuel-efficient models. Now, the electric vehicle revolution led by Tesla has once again brought massive changes to the automotive industry, raising the question of who will become the future leader in this new era. more |
全球亮點話題商場 - 培育在地設計人才
各大百貨精品名店林立的新加坡烏節路,不僅是新加坡的時尚地標,也是亞洲最具代表的購物大道。而位於烏節路和經禧路交匯處的 Design Orchard,除了以生機勃勃的傾斜式綠化屋頂,營造出山頂公園景象,並且以結合銷售展示和創意設計的空間配置和運作模式,成為鼓勵在地設計、培育新加坡設計人才的創新商場。而目前已邀集超過 90 多個品牌和設計師入駐的 Design Orchard,除了是新加坡扶持新生代設計師、媒合在地品牌走向國際的基地,也是引領當地民眾和遊客認識新加坡創新時尚生活的最佳去處。了解更多 |
Located at the intersection of Orchard Road and Cairnhill Road, Design Orchard is not only a fashionable landmark in Singapore but also Asia's most iconic shopping boulevard. With its vibrant sloping green roof resembling a hilltop park, Design Orchard stands out as an innovative mall that combines sales displays with creative design, promoting local talent and nurturing Singaporean designers. Currently hosting over 90 brands and designers, Design Orchard serves as a platform for emerging designers and a gateway for local brands to international markets. It has become the perfect destination for locals and tourists to experience Singapore's innovative fashion and lifestyle scene. more |
2023 Q2 房產市場概要
近期台北市捷運線週邊住宅平均交易單價區間擴大,且交易有量縮情形,升息影響,市場觀望氛圍浮現,交易也分散,但明顯成交單價持續略微降低,件數略減。 了解更多 |
2023 Q2 Property Market Overview
In recent times, the average transaction prices of residential properties near Taipei MRT lines have shown a wider range. Transaction volume has decreased, reflecting a cautious market sentiment due to interest rate increases. Transactions have become more scattered, and there is a slight downward trend in average transaction prices, along with a slight decrease in the number of transactions. more |
覃筱瑩 Alison
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李天鐸設計,鋼骨建築,石材外觀,三房格局方正。大面落地窗,展現氣派與光明。地點佳,鄰近古亭捷運、師大商圈,生活便利無比。 |
Green in Life - Roosevelt Road
Li Tian-Duo designed the property. Steel frame, stone facade, spacious three-bedroom layout. Near Guting MRT, Shi-da commercial district. |
彭子健 Ken
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仁愛路二段臨沂靜巷內,165 坪獨棟別墅,高度珍稀,保值增值。獨享私密宴客會所, 酒吧視聽劇院、戶外水景、頂樓書房花園。 |
The Honeycomb House
Located at Ren'ai road, the building has 6 levels with spacious indoor capacity, theater with bar, and a rooftop garden. |
劉恆碩 Jason
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盡覽天母美景,城市與群山交相輝映,觀音夕照。典雅裝潢,寬闊景觀窗,私人庭院花園。 |
Yeang-Der Castle
Embrace Tianmu's beauty, where the city meets mountains and mesmerizing sunsets adorn the landscape, complemented by elegant decor and a private courtyard garden. |
名匯庭苑是由兩座 30 層高樓組成的大型豪華商住綜合項目,位於陳桂蘭街 ( Tan Quee Lan Street ),與坐落於美芝路 ( Beach Road ) 的高檔私宅項目濱海名匯 ( Midtown Bay ) 遙相對望,由地下行人通道連接起來。市區重建局公佈的 2019 年新加坡發展總藍圖草案,除了在市中心增建 2 萬個以上的新住房之外,也對美芝路和 “ 奧菲亞梧槽商業走廊 ” ( Ophir-Rochor Corridor ) 進行重建,打造另一個商業中心,吸引許多國際企業紛紛進駐,包括: 臉書 ( Facebook )、萬事達 ( Mastercard )、巴斯夫 ( BASF )、Tableau 等,使得這一區域變得日益興旺和生機蓬勃。佔地 12 萬 4,118 平方英尺的名匯庭苑,共有 558 個一至四臥房單位的豪華公寓。一樓設有五萬平方英尺的零售空間,三樓的森林花園 ( Gardens in the Woods ) 與屋頂花園為住戶提供綠色空間,營造城市桃花源的宜居環境。名匯庭苑直通武吉士地鐵轉換站,從地鐵站步上扶梯,即可直達名匯庭苑的大門。這個地鐵站營運兩條主要地鐵線——東西線 ( East West Line ) 和濱海市區線 ( Downtown Line ),四通八達。了解更多 |
Midtown Modern
Midtown Modern is a large-scale luxury commercial-residential complex composed of two 30-storey high-rise buildings. It is located on Tan Quee Lan Street facing Midtown Bay, an upscale private residences, on Beach Road and connected to it by an underground pedestrian passage. The redevelopment plan on Beach Road and " Ophir-Rochor Corridor " turned the area into a business hub, thus attracting many international companies, such as Facebook, Mastercard, BASF, Tableau to set up here, resulting in the area becoming increasingly prosperous and vibrant. Midtown Modern, covering an area of 124,118 square feet, contains 558 luxury apartments of 1-4 bedrooms. There are 50,000 square feet of retail space on the first floor, as well as gardens on the third floor and rooftop providing residents a wonderful living environment in the heart of the city. Midtown Modern is directly connected to Bugis MRT Interchange Station, with East West Line and Downtown Line running, making the location very convenient and accessible. more |
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