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世界旅遊觀光協會( WTTC )表示,2023 年全球旅遊業可說是接近完全復甦,對全球 GDP 貢獻已追趕上 2019 年的 95%。疫情使得全球生活模式改變,人們重新評估住房需求和工作方式,全球超級富豪更是審慎重新配置資產,在看好未來成長趨勢與追求卓越品質生活的雙雙驅動下,他們將眼光轉向陽光明媚、濱海鄰河的豪華住宅。
強勁的美元吸引美國買家赴海外置產,歐洲、亞洲買家近期奔向美國邁阿密、澳洲與法國等地的海岸購置房地產。海外資金的湧入,讓疫情期間曾經一度沉靜的沿海房市,掀起精彩波瀾。 繼續閱讀 |
Wealthy Investors Flock to International Sunlit Homes with Seaview, Propelling Post- Pandemic Real Estate Prices
According to the World Travel & Tourism Council ( WTTC ), the global tourism industry has nearly wholly recovered in 2023, and the contributing GDP also caught up the 95% of the worldwide GDP in 2019. The pandemic has led to a shift in global lifestyles, prompting people to reassess their housing needs and work patterns. Meanwhile, the super-rich worldwide are cautiously reallocating their assets, driven by optimism for future growth and a pursuit of a higher quality of life. As a result, their attention has turned to luxurious residences with sunny, coastal, or riverside locations.
The strong US dollar has attracted American buyers to invest in overseas properties, while European and Asian buyers have recently flocked to coastal areas in Miami, Australia, and France. The influx of foreign capital has injected excitement into coastal property markets that were once quiet during the pandemic, leading to a vibrant surge in the market. full article |
頂級精品品牌路易威登 Louis Vuitton,繼 2020 年在日本大阪旗艦店 Maison Osaka Midosuji 開設 Le Café V 咖啡廳後,2022 年夏天又在法國蔚藍海岸迎來了旗下第一間餐廳 Mory Sacko at Louis Vuitton。坐落在南法著名旅遊城市-聖特羅佩( Saint-Tropez )的 Mory Sacko at Louis Vuitton,特別找來法國料理界新星 Mory Sacko 擔任主廚,在充滿地中海渡假氛圍的用餐情境,以及結合法、日、非等多元文化風情的美味餐點,讓這間 Louis Vuitton 精心策畫的全球首發餐廳,化身為聖特羅佩最新的美食秘境。了解更多 |
Louis Vuitton, the top-tier luxury brand, opened its first restaurant, Mory Sacko at Louis Vuitton, on the French Riviera in summer 2022. Located in the popular tourist city of Saint-Tropez, the restaurant is helmed by acclaimed chef Mory Sacko and offers a dining experience blending Mediterranean vacation vibes with a fusion of French, Japanese, and African culinary influences. more |
股神巴菲特 ( Warren Buffett ) 曾經說過:「我可以告訴你為什麼我喜歡菸草業,這行業一本萬利,產品又容易使人上癮,而且消費者還有超高的品牌忠誠度。」是甚麼樣的產業和產品特性讓菸草業一本萬利?在健康意識高漲,全球吸菸人口日益減少的今天,這個產業
還存在甚麼獨特的競爭優勢呢? 了解更多 |
Warren Buffett, the renowned investor, once said, " I can tell you why I like the tobacco business. It costs a penny to make. Sell it for a dollar. It's addictive. And there's fantastic brand loyalty. " What specific industry and product attributes make the tobacco industry immensely profitable? Moreover, in an era characterized by an increased focus on health consciousness, why do these industries continue to thrive? more |
美食天堂義大利擁有歡迎遊客造訪的葡萄酒莊,品嚐美食之餘,還順便可以來一場充滿知性的酒鄉文化之旅。在葡萄酒中屬於舊世界的義大利,是相當古老的葡萄產區。義大利葡萄產區能看到超過 350 個法定品種的多樣性,加上各地微型風土條件的差異,造就義大利葡萄酒百花齊放的特殊樣貌。現今的義大利境內,共有 20 個葡萄酒產區,以皮埃蒙特( Piemonte )、中部是托斯卡納( Toscana )、南部則以西西里( Sicilia )最為知名。 了解更多 |
Italy's vineyards provide a sensory and cultural journey for wine enthusiasts. Italy, an ancient wine-producing region in the Old World, showcases a rich diversity of over 350 authorized grape varieties and unique micro-terroirs. With 20 designated wine regions, Piemonte in the north, Toscana in the central region, and Sicilia in the south are the most well-known. more |
羅治麟 Patrick
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內湖文心 AIT 高樓景觀大戶
面對美國在台協會 AIT,治安嚴謹,一戶一梯廳尊榮隱私單純。滿窗綠意,格局方正,採光佳,近內湖捷運站。 |
Win Sing - AIT
The residence is located in a safe neighbourhood near the Neihu MRT station. It has a great view of green scenery and receives good natural lighting. |
郭宜菁 Evelyn
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關新市政新區,竹科正門核心,郭旭原建築作品,回家信步閒靜森林,凌駕陶朱隱園,凌空永恆樹院,僅此一戶。 |
Paradeisos Pensili
Guo Xuyuan's architectural work is located in the core of Zhuke. Walking home in the neighborhood is as if strolling in a quiet forest. Light rail is accessible nearby. |
楊光明 Dean
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鄰近文化大學、歐洲學校,生活機能良好。格局方正,每層面積超過 60 坪。社區提供 24 小時管理,獨立庭院、泳池,極具隱密性。 |
House 8
The villa is located near the European School and CCU, featuring a private garden, swimming pool, and stunning mountain scenery. |
由法國建築師 Léon Doboin 設計的 Scène des Loges 鐵塔豪苑位於巴黎十五區的中心地點,是一棟八層樓建築,房型規劃 1-5 房的開發項目。從公寓步行即可到達巴黎地標艾菲爾鐵塔及塞納河,帶有陽台,開放露台及花園的房型,在家即可享有城市景觀及水岸河景的絕佳視野。近地鐵 6 號線 Bir-Hakeim 站,方便前往附近大學,購物中心及市場等,生活機能便利,入住小巴黎的絕佳地點,享受終日沉浸於法蘭西人文風情的獨特體驗。了解更多 |
Scène des Loges
Designed by architect Léon Doboin, Scène des Loges is an iconic location in the 15th arrondissement. The views are breathtaking of the Eiffel Tower and the Seine. La Scène des Loges is an 8-storey development with 1-5 bedroom units, thus unveils exceptional apartments, duplexes and lofts, some of which are extended by balconies, terraces and winter gardens with spectacular views of Paris. Famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower are only minutes away by foot. The development also has convenient access to Bir-Hakeim metro station, educational institutions, as well as shopping malls and markets. Live a unique experience in the heart of the most unique address in Paris and take a unique look at the City of Light. more |
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