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移民人口推升需求 澳洲房價逐步上揚
看好澳洲租屋需求高、空置率低,許多台灣民眾對澳洲置產充滿想像,尤其台灣房市價格維持高檔,同樣的預算,在澳洲能享受更宜人的氣候與生活環境,許多高資產人士甚至全額付清購屋。 繼續閱讀 |
Rising Immigration Fuels Demand: Australian Property Prices on the Upswing
With the strong demand for rentals and low vacancy rates in Australia, many Taiwanese people are more willing to invest in Australian properties. Especially as the housing market in Taiwan maintains high prices, people find that with the same budget in Australia, they can have a more pleasant climate and living environment. Many high-net-worth individuals even opt to make payments in full for their homes. full article |
創意旅宿 - 跟大堡礁魚群同眠
位於澳洲昆士蘭沿海、綿延 2,300 公里的大堡礁,不僅是世界上最大的珊瑚礁系統,同時也是世界上最壯觀的海底奇觀和自然遺產。而由 Cruise Whitsundays 和昆士蘭旅遊局合作打造的 Reefworld 漂浮旅館,就位於大堡礁的中心處。
整個 Reefworld 除了以不傷害珊瑚礁生態的浮橋平台設計,將浮橋固定在珊瑚礁上,並且提供澳洲第一間海底套房 Reefsuites,以及浪漫的甲板星空帳篷 Reefsleep 兩種住宿選擇,讓遊客能以最貼近海洋的渡假方式,認識珍貴的珊瑚礁生態。了解更多 |
Discover unusual Places to Stay: Reefsuites at Reefworld, Cruise Whitsundays
Located along the coast of Queensland, Australia, the Great Barrier Reef stretches 2,300 kilometers. It is not only the world's largest coral reef system but also one of the most spectacular underwater wonders and natural heritage sites. Reefworld, Australia’s first underwater hotel, created in collaboration between Cruise Whitsundays and Queensland’s Department of Tourism, is situated at the heart of the Great Barrier Reef.
Reefworld's eco-friendly pontoon, anchored to the coral, offers unique stays. These options include Australia's first underwater hotel suites called Reefsuites, as well as the romantic decked-out stargazing tents known as Reefsleep. These two types of accommodation options allow visitors to experience the precious coral reef ecosystem in the closest possible way. more |
為了 2050 年淨零碳排的目標,許多國家訂定於 2030 年或 2035 年禁售新燃油車,使得電動車市場快速發展,特定礦物需求量大幅增加, 價格也節節高升。這些礦物包括鋰電池中必備的鋰、鎳、鈷、和石墨,以及電動車馬達中所需的稀土,平均一顆馬達需要 25 公斤,傳統燃油車僅需 1 公斤。
過去數十年,全球為了爭奪石油烽煙四起。如今,一場搶奪電動車礦物的大戰正要展開。 了解更多 |
The Looming Mineral War: Boom or Doom?
In order to achieve the goal of zero carbon emissions by 2050, many countries have set targets to ban the sale of internal combustion engine vehicles by 2030 or 2035. This rapid development of the electric vehicle market has led to a significant increase in demand for specific minerals, causing prices to rise steeply. These minerals include lithium, nickel, cobalt, and graphite, which are essential for lithium-ion batteries, as well as rare earth elements required for electric vehicle motors. On average, an electric motor requires 25 kilograms of rare earth elements, whereas a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle requires only 1 kilogram.
Over the past few decades, there have been intense geopolitical struggles for control over oil resources. Now, a new battle is emerging, centered around the competition for minerals essential to the electric vehicle industry. more |
位於澳洲雪梨郊區一棟居住 20 年的房子,因應家庭成員增加決定進行翻新和擴建。
「三十幾年前,吉卜力工作室的動畫作品《龍貓》,教會了我們人際關係的重要性-與家人、朋友和大自然的關係。」CplusC 建築事務所透過團隊多元文化的豐富創意,打破東、西方的藩蘺,消彌室內、外的界限,將一棟原本封閉且不敷使用的老房子,在兼顧隱私的同時,重新翻轉創造為一個開放、溫暖和親近自然、促進情感交流的夢想悠遊宅邸。 了解更多 |
Playful Totoro House
In a Sydney suburb, a 20-year-old house is being renovated and expanded due to a growing family. CplusC Architecture transcends cultural boundaries, creating an open, warm, and nature-embracing space that fosters emotional connections while maintaining privacy. This dreamy residence echoes the importance of relationships portrayed in Studio Ghibli's "My Neighbor Totoro" – connections with family, friends, and nature. more |
蔡吉政 Freeman
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頤海大院 美邸
淡水紅樹林河畔,享有水岸首排景觀,坐擁觀音山山景,並沐浴淡海夕照。雙併格局,擁有寬敞的 200 坪空間,錯層陽台,尊享美景。 |
Ocean Kingdom
This waterfront residence features two units per floor with a spacious area of 200 ping and views of Tamsui sunsets. |
吳英才 Bill
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北投漂亮 大庭院 透天厝
國泰建設品質優。方正邊間,通風好,採光佳。近家樂福,千坪復興公園、北投公園,環境優雅,新北投捷運站,交通便捷,生活機能佳。 |
Beitou Courtyard Single House
The residence offers high-quality, spacious and well-ventilated accommodations, and a convenient location near Carrefour, Xinbeitou MRT Station. |
李建國 James
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故宮外雙溪,24 小時警衛高級平地別墅社區。雙層透天風格,前後庭院車庫。仕紳名流社區,珍稀物件釋出。 |
Zhishan Garden Villa
Located near the National Palace Museum and featuring 24/7 security, this is a two-story villa with front and rear courtyards as well as garages. |
Stonebrook 隱世豪邸
Stonebrook 坐落於充滿活力又寧靜的 Chandler 小鎮,20 分鐘車程直驅布里斯本市中心。由著名紐西蘭建築師 Sumich Chaplin 傾力打造,以當代渡假風營造低調奢華的隱世豪邸。緊鄰學區、購物中心、高爾夫球場、綜合運動俱樂部等,成熟區域發展結合諸多生活機能 。Stonebrook 於 2023 年全新完工,坐擁約 6,120 坪土地,建物室內面積約 484 坪,規劃 4 間豪華套房、專屬客臥,附設游泳池、三溫暖、健身房、撞球間、視聽室、溫控酒窖、馬場等設施,另配有頂級家電品牌 Gaggenau、Sub-Zero 及 TOTO 衛浴設備,即刻入主享受超凡六星級生活。了解更多 |
Stonebrook is located in the vibrant and tranquil town of Chandler, a 20-minute drive directly to the center of Brisbane. Meticulously crafted by the renowned New Zealand architects Sumich Chaplin, it creates a discreetly luxurious haven with a contemporary vacation ambiance. The property is in close proximity to the school district, shopping centers, golf course, and sports complex which balances many aspects of daily life. Completed in 2023, Stonebrook sits on approximately 6,120 Ping of land with an indoor building area of about 484 Ping. It features 4 luxurious suites, an exclusive guest room, along with facilities such as a swimming pool, sauna, gym, billiards room, audiovisual room, temperature-controlled wine cellar, and a horse stable. In addition, top brands like Gaggenau, Sub-Zero, and TOTO appliances are also provided. Take ownership now and indulge in an extraordinary six-star lifestyle. more |
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