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昆士蘭蘇富比國際房地產首席執行官,保羅‧亞瑟 ( Paul Arthur ):「在過去的三年中,昆士蘭州黃金海岸地區的房地產價值幾乎翻了一番;這裡有從 80 萬澳幣 ~ 2,700 萬澳幣的獨棟家庭住宅和 120 萬澳幣 ~ 700 萬澳幣的高層公寓混合存在。黃金海岸以其原始的沙灘、奢華、夜生活和餐廳而聞名。」。
全球各地的超高資產淨值投資者在雪梨和墨爾本擁有房產的同時,通常也會選擇在澳洲昆士蘭的度假勝地購置第二套房產。我們稱之為 『度假休閒房產』( Lifestyle Properties ) ,而澳洲昆士蘭州則是擁有五到六處此類型物件的理想地點。根據地點的不同,有 10% ~ 20% 的買家是外國買家,其中包括澳洲僑民。 繼續閱讀 |
Queensland, Australia - One of the Emerging Real Estate Hot Spots
“ Property values almost doubled in the Gold Coast area of Queensland over the past three years, ” Arthur says. “ There’s a mix of single-family homes from AUD800,000 to AUD27 million, and high-rise condos from AUD1.2 million to AUD7 million. The Gold Coast is known for its pristine beaches, glitz and glamour, nightlife, and restaurants. ”
While ultra-high-net-worth investors from around the globe own property in Sydney and Melbourne, they often choose to buy a second home in one of the vacation destinations in Queensland, Australia, says Paul Arthur, CEO, Queensland Sotheby’s International Realty. full article |
淨零進行式 - 澳洲最環保博物館
預計在 2025 年啟用的 Powerhouse Parramatta ,不僅是澳洲雪梨繼雪梨歌劇院後,最大的文化建設項目,可望自營運起始日實現淨零碳排的 Powerhouse Parramatta,同時也是澳洲最大的環保公共建築。
除了使用低汙染、可回收的建材,Powerhouse Parramatta 從建造到營運都盡可能使用可再生能源,包含施工期間的 3 座塔式起重機,便是使用由動物脂肪、植物油和農業廢棄物所產出的再生油,來作為能源動力。整個博物館也將採用電子用水系統、 Led 照明和高效節能電器等,來落實環保節能。 了解更多 |
The Powerhouse Parramatta, scheduled to be operational in 2025, is not only Australia's largest cultural construction project since the Sydney Opera House but also anticipated to be the country's largest environmentally-friendly public building. It aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions from the start of its operation, making it a significant milestone in sustainable infrastructure. more |
坐落在能夠俯瞰澳洲兩個最經典地標 — 雪梨海港大橋和歌劇院的寬敞窗戶前,Quay 是澳洲享有盛譽的餐廳之一,被譽為雪梨的頂級餐廳之一。由澳洲知名餐廳集團 Fink 主理,行政總廚 Peter Gilmore 領軍,Quay 的澳洲特色料理深受大自然啟發。Gilmore 大廚精挑細選稀有食材,確保風味和口感完美交融。他的創作過程更是與農夫、漁夫、生產者和工匠緊密合作,為 Quay 獨家培育特色食材。
地點:Upper Level, Overseas Passenger Terminal, The Rocks, Sydney 2000 |
QUAY, Sydney
Overlooking the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, Quay stands as one of Australia's renowned restaurants, celebrated among Sydney's finest. Led by Fink, a prominent Australian restaurant group, and guided by Executive Chef Peter Gilmore, Quay's cuisine is inspired by the diverse Australian culinary scene. Chef Gilmore carefully selects rare ingredients, ensuring a harmonious blend of flavors and textures. Collaborating closely with farmers, fishermen, producers, and artisans, he cultivates exclusive produce for Quay's unique offerings. more
Address: Upper Level, Overseas Passenger Terminal, The Rocks, Sydney 2000 |
從神話變笑話:共享辦公室業者 WEWORK 如何從史上估值最高的新創公司到宣告破產
共享辦公室還是共享燒錢室? WeWork 在短短 4 年間從 470 億美金到一文不值。WeWork 的失敗只能歸咎於自己商業模式、財務運作及管理階層嚴重的操守問題。 最近過世的投資大師孟格 ( Charlie Munger ) 強調寧可以公平價格投資一家真正出色的企業,也不要以極低廉的價格買進一家平庸的公司。而 WeWork 卻是一家從公司治理到商業模式都徹底破產的糟糕公司,卻能在市場資金氾濫之際,在創辦人和投資銀行的吹捧下,以史無前例的高估值吸引專業投資人進場。WeWork 的大起大落,在人性的貪婪前,雖然是空前,但未來大概仍不是絕後。 了解更多 |
Shared office or a money-burning room? WeWork went from a valuation of USD47 billion to virtually worthless in just 4 years. WeWork's failure can only be attributed to its own business model, financial operations, and severe ethical issues in its management. The recently deceased investment guru Charlie Munger emphasized the importance of investing at a fair price in a truly outstanding company rather than buying into a mediocre company at an extremely low price. WeWork, however, is a terribly flawed company from corporate governance to its business model, yet it managed to attract professional investors at an unprecedented high valuation in the midst of abundant market funds, fueled by the praise of its founders and investment banks. The rise and fall of WeWork, driven by human greed, may be unprecedented, but it is likely not the last in the future. more |
覃筱瑩 Alison
contact |
綠意盎然基地,SC 鋼骨結構,新日鐵雙制震建築。忠泰長虹建設與中鹿營造攜手,打造現代工藝與美學的綠建築。 |
A Better Tomorrow
Joint effort of JUT Chong Hong Construction and Chung-Lu Construction for a modern, aesthetic green building. |
羅治麟 Patrick
contact |
台北 1 號院鋼骨氣派景觀豪邸
由李天鐸大師操刀設計的大氣豪邸,擁有無敵永久棟距景觀,室內挑高 6 米,並且提供 24 小時保全管理。 |
Taipei Palace
This is a grand luxurious mansion designed by Master Li Tianduo. It features a 6-meter high interior ceiling and 24-hour security management. |
張國斌 Mike
contact |
自地自建,單純安全!尊榮傳家的石材打造,環境典雅。地理優越,近交通要道。完善的格局,適合家族同堂。 |
The Heirloom House
Crafted with heritage stone, conveniently located near major transportation, designed for three generations. |
Stonebrook 隱世豪邸
Stonebrook 坐落於活力寧靜的 Chandler 小鎮,20 分鐘車程直驅布里斯本市中心。由著名紐西蘭建築師 Sumich Chaplin 傾力打造,以當代渡假風營造低調奢華的隱世豪邸。緊鄰學區、購物中心、高爾夫球場、綜合運動俱樂部等,成熟區域發展結合諸多生活機能 。Stonebrook 於 2023 年全新完工,坐擁約 6,120 坪土地,建物室內面積約 484 坪,規劃 4 間豪華套房、專屬客臥,附設游泳池、三溫暖、健身房、撞球間、視聽室、溫控酒窖、馬場等設施,另配有頂級家電品牌 Gaggenau、Sub-Zero、及 ToTo 衛浴設備,即刻入主享受超凡六星級生活。了解更多 |
Stonebrook is located in the vibrant and tranquil town of Chandler, a 20-minute drive directly to the center of Brisbane. Meticulously crafted by the renowned New Zealand architects Sumich Chaplin, it creates a discreetly luxurious haven with a contemporary vacation ambiance. The property is in close proximity to the school district, shopping centers, golf course, and sports complex which balances many aspects of daily life. Completed in 2023, Stonebrook sits on approximately 6,120 Ping of land with an indoor building area of about 484 Ping. It features 4 luxurious suites, an exclusive guest room, along with facilities such as a swimming pool, sauna, gym, billiards room, audiovisual room, temperature-controlled wine cellar, and a horse stable. In addition, top brands like Gaggenau, Sub-Zero, and ToTo appliances are also provided. Take ownership now and indulge in an extraordinary six-star lifestyle. more |
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