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Where Cash Is Always King
A historic rise in mortgage interest rates has translated into a higher percentage of all-cash deals around the world.
The rising rates, according to Stephen Moroukian, product and proposition director at Barclays Private Bank, “have without a doubt driven up cash percentages, and that is a familiar theme across all luxury markets,” he says, especially those with U.S. dollar and British pound sterling markets.
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位於東京都港區的元麻布是一個優雅而富裕的高級貴族豪宅區,兼具舒適的生活環境和便利的生活機能。融合傳統與現代風格,擁有歷史悠久的街道和雅致的花園,以及現代化的高樓大廈和時尚商店。周邊設施包括超市、餐廳、咖啡館、公園和圖書館,方便居民購物和休閒。此外,元麻布也有許多國際學校和外國使館,吸引了許多外籍人士定居。此處可眺望東京塔等魅力景點、六本木地區步行可至,擁有世界各國大使館和豐富的商業設施。您可以在靠近有栖川宮紀念公園的元麻布感受到大自然的氣息,品味四季的美景。 |
Motoazabu is an elegant and affluent residential area offering comfortable living conditions and convenient amenities. Combining traditional charm with modern conveniences, it features historic streets, beautiful gardens, modern skyscrapers, and trendy shops. Surrounding facilities include supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, parks, and libraries, providing residents with convenient shopping and leisure options. Additionally, Motoazabu boasts many international schools and foreign embassies, attracting a diverse population. Overlooking Tokyo Tower and other attractions, the Roppongi area is within walking distance, known for its embassy presence and extensive commercial facilities. Near the lush greenery of Arisugawa-no-miya Memorial Park, Motoazabu offers a taste of nature, allowing residents to enjoy the beauty of each season. |
總是心懷感謝的日本名廚生江史伸,期望透過料理傳達出讓世界更和諧的永續理念。 L'Effervescence 除了在 2015 年獲得米其林二星的肯定,並在 2021 年升級為米其林三星,同時也被評選為米其林綠星餐廳。位於東京表參道、大隱隱於世的 L'Effervescence,整個餐廳不僅洋溢著自然又極簡的設計美學,並且擁有讓人頓時身心平靜的空間氛圍。而 L'Effervescence 的菜單,則以水下森林 ( Underwater Forest ) 、文明的起源 ( Genesis of Civilization ) 等如詩般的命名,述說著一場連結自然、在人類文明旅程中穿行的味蕾之旅。
地點:東京都港區西麻布 2-26-4 |
Renowned Japanese chef Shigeki Maeda always carries a heart of gratitude, aiming to convey through his cuisine a sustainable philosophy that fosters greater harmony in the world. L'Effervescence not only earned two Michelin stars in 2015 and upgraded to three stars in 2021 but was also awarded the Michelin Green Star. Located in Tokyo's Omotesando, the discreet L'Effervescence exudes a natural and minimalist design aesthetic, creating a tranquil ambiance. Its menu, with poetic names like "Underwater Forest" and "Genesis of Civilization," narrates a culinary journey intertwining nature with the evolution of human civilization. more
Address:2-26-4 Nishi-azabu, Minato-ku Tokyo,106-0031 |
MUCA 來自歐洲藝術博物館「 Museum of Urban and Contemporary Art 」,以收藏城市藝術 ( Urban Art ) 聞名。本月終於登陸日本東京,首次在日本展出!將其珍藏超過 60 件珍貴藝術品,包括英國塗鴉藝術家「班克斯」的大型雕塑作品和頂尖藝術家「 KAWS 」等的重要作品在內的作品亮相。將重點介紹 10 位被譽為城市藝術先驅者的大師之作,讓參觀者有機會親身體驗這些藝術家透過作品所表達的各種訴求。 了解更多
時間:2024 年 3 月 15 日至 6 月 2 日 |
Don't miss the chance to be part of a significant art event as Japan welcomes over 60 valuable artworks from celebrated artists like Banksy and KAWS for the very first time! MUCA, a prominent museum of urban art in Europe, is introducing its esteemed collection to Japan, showcasing premier pieces such as a large sculptural creation by Banksy and notable works by KAWS. Seize this rare opportunity to witness these iconic pieces making their debut appearance in Japan. more
Date:Mar 15th, 2024 – Jun 2st, 2024 |
由 Odin 地產負責開發、以自然奢華為設計理念的 Odin Hills,就座落在北海道二世谷的中心地帶,坐擁壯觀的羊蹄山風光,是滑雪勝地二世谷最受矚目的豪宅建案。為了樹立起當代奢華山莊新典範,同時打造出夢想中的山中家園,Odin Hills 特別找來了普立茲建築大師 – 坂茂 ( Shigeru Ban ) 來負責其中 4 棟別墅住宅 The Villas 的設計規劃。這 4 棟順著山坡地形而建的豪宅,除了以與自然融為一體為設計概念,並且藉由大面積玻璃窗和寬敞的露臺,營造出室內外空間無縫接軌的建築樣式。在享有充足自然採光的同時,也讓每一棟別墅都擁有絕佳的賞景視野。 了解更多 |
Developed by Odin Real Estate with a design philosophy centered around natural luxury, Odin Hills sits in the heart of Niseko's Niseko Village, boasting breathtaking views of Mount Yotei. It is the most prestigious residential project in the renowned ski destination of Niseko Village. more |
2024 Q1 房產市場概要
2014 年 1 月景氣對策信號綜合判斷分數為 27 分,較上月上修值 22 分增加 5 分,燈號轉呈綠燈;其中,出口燈號雖由紅燈轉為綠燈,惟生產、投資、銷售、金融等指標燈號分數均較上月增加,加以領先及同時指標續呈上升,顯示國內景氣維持復甦趨勢。 了解更多 |
2024 Q1 Property Market Overview
In January 2014, the comprehensive judgment score of the economic policy signal was 27 points, an increase of 5 points from the revised value of 22 points last month, turning the signal to green. Among them, although the export signal changed from red to green, indicators such as production, investment, sales, and finance all increased compared to the previous month, and leading and coincident indicators continued to rise, indicating that the domestic economy is maintaining a recovery trend. more |
彭子健 Ken
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麗寶 City One 面大巨蛋 101
新古典建築外觀,裝潢精緻雅緻。鄰近東區、忠孝微風、松菸文創園區,步行 5 分鐘至國父紀念館,交通便利。未來大巨蛋園區,增值潛力大。 |
City One
Classical architecture with refined interior decor. Future Taipei Arena Park, offering appreciation potential. 5-minute walk to Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. |
劉恆碩 Jason
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南京復興商圈,高樓層遠眺 101。毛坯房,廚浴區域降板 50 公分。SC 鋼骨結構,提供閱覽室、空中花園及電動車充電座。 |
Boutique Manor
Nanjing Fuxing business district, with high floors offering distant views of Taipei 101. SC steel structure, rooftop garden, and electric vehicle charging stations. |
楊光明 Dean
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稀有奢華歐式豪宅,配備泳池、花園、湧泉迴車道,展現尊貴氣派。電梯別墅,法式風格,金碧輝煌。環抱自然山巒,四季風情盡收眼底。 |
European Mansion
Luxurious European-style mansion with pool, garden, and winding driveway. Elevator villa in French style, surrounded by nature's beauty in all seasons. |
東京元麻布 Poltrona Frau Suites 尊榮豪邸
坐落東京元麻布的 Poltrona Frau Suites Motoazabu 是該品牌第一個,也是目前唯一的高端私人住宅,徜徉東京都市風華的同時,亦提供了歐式風格極致奢華的舒適生活。由享譽國際的日本建築大師黑崎敏 Satoshi Kurosaki 匠心打造,以和諧優雅的建築語彙,創造古典與現代交織的藝術建築及室內空間。全室採用義大利百年品牌傢俱 Poltrona Frau ,完美呈現歐亞混血的極致奢華。
建築立面採用日本獨有,曾用於日本城堡的鑽石花崗岩「庵治石 Aji Stone 」,獨特的設計感同時提升了住宅的隱密性。室內規劃各具特色:起居空間設置的寬敞窗戶,提供了品味四季變換的雅緻視野,戶外休憩區則賦予生活愜意與靜謐;交誼廳為享受居家時光及款待賓客的最佳場所,車庫為自然採光設計。了解更多 |
Poltrona Frau Suites Motoazabu
Planned and designed for a specially selected few,this branded residence is one-of-a-kind. While articulating the aura of the Tokyo metropolis, it provides the ultimate in luxury relaxation, secluded from the hustle and bustle, portraying incomparable time. Poltrona Frau, the pinnacle of Italian luxury, embodies excellence in technology and originality backed by century-old tradition. Architect Satoshi Kurosaki, whose unique concepts and sensibility have birthed unprecedented structures, leads the Tokyo-based global architectural design firm APOLLO. The merging of these two styles has birthed an elegant harmony, an exclusive branded residential experience embodying beauty and excellence. Poltrona Frau Suites – to the world.
This new branded residence in Tokyo’s Motoazabu exquisitely fuses classic and modern, with harmonious elegance as its key theme, to realize the ultimate in luxury.
The façade is high-grade Aji stone -- famed for its speckled appearance and once used in Japanese castles -- producing a formidable impression. While designed to screen the view from outside, it also leverages its hilltop position to maintain the outlook over the Tokyo cityscape.Each of the indoor spaces emanates its own individuality. The family lounge room’s expansive windows produce a spaciousness to sense the transition of the days and seasons while in the city. The resplendent outdoor lounge area bestows a special opportunity to pass time, while a guest lounge room provides the ultimate in hospitality. Finally, a car lounge draws in natural light, producing a museum-like feel, in this space that reverberates through five sense. more |
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