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美國德州達拉斯 Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty 總裁兼首席執行官 Russ Anderson 表示:「今年圍繞政治的討論激增,兩極化現象非常嚴重。但是,當涉及到房地產時,人們更關注的是利率而不是政治。」
今年全球迎來前所未有的國家選舉浪潮。根據路透社和《經濟學人》的報導,全球約有超過四十億的投票人口,分佈於近 80 個國家,這些國家合計佔全球 GDP 的 60% 以上,《時代》雜誌將其稱為「關鍵選舉年」。
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“ There’s a lot more conversation about politics this year, and a lot of polarization. But, when it comes to real estate, people are more focused on interest rates than politics. "
Russ Anderson, president and chief executive officer, Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty in Dallas, Texas
This year marks an unprecedented wave of national elections across the globe. According to Reuters and The Economist, about half of the world’s voting-age population – over four billion people spanning nearly 80 countries that collectively account for more than 60% of global GDP – will be eligible to cast their ballots in what Time magazine has dubbed “the ultimate election year.” full article |
佛羅里達州 西棕櫚灘
西棕櫚灘(West Palm Beach, Florida)位於佛羅里達州東南部,沿著大西洋海岸線展開,與棕櫚海灘(Palm Beach)相鄰,距離邁阿密約 110 公里。這個優越的地理位置使西棕櫚灘成為南佛羅里達的交通和經濟樞紐。該市的高端房地產市場繁榮,擁有豪華的海濱別墅和現代化的市中心公寓,吸引了來自全球的高淨值人士。
西棕櫚灘的旅遊業、金融服務業、貿易與物流業以及醫療保健產業共同促進了城市的經濟發展。旅遊業驅動了酒店和餐飲業的增長,金融服務業吸引了大量高淨值客戶,貿易與物流業利用地理優勢推動國際貿易,而醫療保健和生命科學領域則提供了高品質的醫療服務。這些產業的發展與高端房地產市場的繁榮相互促進,使西棕櫚灘成為充滿機遇和活力的城市。 |
West Palm Beach, Florida is located in southeastern Florida, stretching along the Atlantic coastline and adjacent to Palm Beach, approximately 110 kilometers from Miami. This prime geographic location makes West Palm Beach a key transportation and economic hub in South Florida. The city's high-end real estate market thrives with luxurious waterfront villas and modern downtown condos, attracting high-net-worth individuals from around the globe.
The tourism, financial services, trade and logistics, and healthcare sectors collectively drive the city's economic development. Tourism fuels growth in the hotel and dining industries, while the financial services sector attracts numerous high-net-worth clients. The trade and logistics industry leverages its geographical advantages to facilitate international trade, and the healthcare and life sciences fields provide high-quality medical services. The development of these industries complements the prosperity of the high-end real estate market, making West Palm Beach a dynamic and opportunity-rich city. |
南海灘(South Beach)距離西棕櫚灘(West Palm Beach)約 110 公里(約 68 英里),開車大約需 1 小時 15 分鐘至 1 小時 30 分鐘,通過 I-95 高速公路連接。南海灘以其迷人的白沙海灘和蔚藍海水聞名,是邁阿密最受歡迎的渡假地之一。這裡的海灘提供完美的日光浴和水上活動,還有長長的步道適合散步和慢跑。藝術裝飾區(Art Deco District)擁有獨特的 20 世紀初建築,展示了邁阿密的歷史和文化。林肯路(Lincoln Road)則是購物、用餐和娛樂的熱點,步行街上滿是高端商店、餐廳和咖啡館。夜晚,南海灘的夜生活充滿活力,眾多夜店和酒吧為遊客提供多樣的娛樂選擇。無論是享受海灘風光,還是探索城市的歷史和娛樂,南海灘都是一個充滿魅力的目的地。 了解更多
地點:South Beach, Miami Beach, FL 33139 |
South Beach is located approximately 110 kilometers ( 68 miles ) from West Palm Beach, with a driving time of about 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes via Interstate 95. Renowned for its stunning white sand beaches and azure waters, South Beach is one of Miami's most popular vacation destinations. The beach offers perfect sunbathing and water sports opportunities, along with a long promenade ideal for walking and jogging. The Art Deco District features distinctive early 20th-century architecture, showcasing Miami's history and culture. Lincoln Road is a hotspot for shopping, dining, and entertainment, lined with upscale shops, restaurants, and cafes. At night, South Beach's vibrant nightlife scene, with numerous nightclubs and bars, provides diverse entertainment options. Whether enjoying the beach scenery or exploring the city's history and entertainment, South Beach is a captivating destination. more
Address:South Beach, Miami Beach, FL 33139 |
The Villa Casa Casuarina 曾是詹尼 ‧ 維薩奇(Gianni Versace)的豪宅,現提供一流的服務、大型義大利大理石浴室、金碧輝煌的泳池、奢華的屋頂休息室和私人酒吧。Gianni’s at The Villa 提供獨特的用餐體驗,坐落於這個標誌性的場所。晚餐和午餐菜單展示了義大利地中海美食,並搭配精選的葡萄酒。 了解更多
地點:1116 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 |
The Villa Casa Casuarina, formerly the mansion of Gianni Versace, now offers top-notch service, oversized Italian marble bathrooms, a gold-clad pool, a lavish rooftop lounge, and private bars. Gianni’s at The Villa provides a unique dining experience set in this iconic venue. The dinner and lunch menus feature Italian Mediterranean cuisine complemented by curated wine selections. more
Address:1116 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 |
邁阿密: 蓬勃發展中的美洲之心
長久以來,邁阿密一直是以退休、觀光、和熱情的拉丁美洲文化聞名。每年平均 248 天的燦爛陽光,長達 56 公里綿延不絕的金色沙灘讓邁阿密成為歐美人士趨之若鶩的渡假勝地。大邁阿密地區有超過一百萬的居民是在海外出生,邁阿密市也有超過七成的居民是在家庭中使用英語以外的母語。拉丁美洲強大的文化及語言上的連結,加上優秀的地理位置使得邁阿密成為連結北美與整個拉丁美洲的重要樞紐。去年邁阿密國際機場已超越紐約甘迺迪機場,同時也是全美貨物轉運量最高以及全美機場中服務最多國際旅客的國際機場。雖然近幾年邁阿密已成為金融重鎮,但這些得天獨厚的優勢代表這城市還有更大的發展潛力。
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Once just a retirement and vacation destination known for its sunshine and beaches, Miami has transformed into the Wall Street of the South and the new Silicon Valley.
For a long time, Miami has been known for retirement, tourism, and its vibrant Latin American culture. With an average of 248 days of sunshine each year and 56 kilometers of golden beaches, Miami has become a sought-after vacation destination for Europeans and Americans alike. In the Greater Miami area, over a million residents were born overseas, and more than 70% of Miami's residents speak a language other than English at home. Miami's strong cultural and linguistic ties with Latin America, along with its strategic geographical location, have made it an essential hub connecting North America with the entire Latin American region. Last year, Miami International Airport surpassed New York's JFK Airport to become the U.S. airport with the highest international cargo volume, and it also serves the most international passengers of any U.S. airport. Although Miami has become a financial powerhouse in recent years, these unique advantages suggest that the city has even greater development potential.
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核電會是 AI 缺電隱憂的解方嗎?
自 ChatGPT 於 2022 年 11 月問世以來,科技大廠加速興建資料中心,開發人工智慧應用,但其高耗能的特性,對於當地電網和環境造成龐大負擔。究竟人工智慧科技有多耗電?根據美國《紐約客》( The New Yorker )雜誌報導,ChatGPT 每天耗電量超過 50 萬度( KWh ),相當於 17,000 美國家庭一天的耗電量。根據 IEA( International Energy Agency )和美國銀行( BofA Securities )的預估,2023 年人工智慧和數據中心年耗電量約 430 億度,約佔全球 1.5% ,預估在 2023 年至 2028 年間以 25% - 33% 的年複合成長率成長至 1,300 ~ 1,800億度,佔全球約 5% ~ 7%。這期間增加的耗電量中有 30% 以上來自美國,因全球約 33% 的資料中心設置於此且快速增加中。高盛( Goldman Sachs )預估,至 2030 年僅資料中心就佔美國年耗電量的 8% ~ 11%。如何兼顧淨零碳排,並增加足夠電力發展人工智慧,自然成為各國政府關注的焦點。了解更多 |
Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, tech giants have accelerated the construction of data centers and the development of AI applications. However, the high energy consumption of these technologies has placed a significant burden on local power grids and the environment. Just how energy-intensive is AI technology? According to a report by The New Yorker, ChatGPT consumes over 500,000 kilowatt-hours ( KWh ) of electricity daily, equivalent to the daily electricity usage of 17,000 American households. Estimates from the International Energy Agency ( IEA ) and BofA Securities suggest that in 2023, AI and data centers will consume approximately 43 billion kilowatt-hours annually, accounting for around 1.5% of the global total. This consumption is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 25% to 33% between 2023 and 2028, reaching 130 to 180 billion kilowatt-hours, representing about 5% to 7% of global electricity usage. Over 30% of this increased consumption is expected to come from the U.S., where approximately 33% of the world's data centers are located, with rapid growth anticipated. Goldman Sachs predicts that by 2030, data centers alone could account for 8% to 11% of the U.S.'s annual electricity consumption. Balancing the pursuit of net-zero carbon emissions with the need to generate sufficient power for AI development has naturally become a key focus for governments worldwide. more |
張國斌 Mike
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飯店式管理,地標高樓,盡享寬闊視野。高素質住戶,設有游泳池和宴會廳,完美演繹優雅生活。 |
Yonghe Riverside Residence
Hotel management in a landmark high-rise, offering expansive views.Features include a swimming pool, banquet hall, and high-quality residents. |
李昭明 Steven
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水岸第一排的高級住宅,享有 270 度超廣視野的河景。裝潢以千萬級別品味呈現,格局方正且三面採光,提供絕佳的自然光線與視野。 |
The Great Flowing River
A luxury riverside residence in the first row, offering a 270-degree panoramic river view. The interior features high-end taste and design. |
吳英才 Bill
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仁愛路 吾彊 高樓 景觀戶
每層一戶,獨享美麗樹海與寬敞花園。黃金地段,座北朝南,帝王座向,萬坪樹海一覽無遺。 |
Twin Towers
Each floor has one unit with exclusive access to a beautiful tree canopy. Located in a prime area, it features north-facing, south-oriented views. |
位於佛羅里達州西棕櫚灘快速發展的諾斯伍德(Northwood)社區,阿爾巴棕櫚灘(Alba Palm Beach)坐擁如詩如畫的海岸景觀第一排,也是該區唯一全新的建案。僅有 55 戶精品住宅的阿爾巴棕櫚灘,除了全景水岸視野,同時只需片刻到達西棕櫚灘市中心,即可享受美食佳餚、購物娛樂、人文藝術。 阿爾巴棕櫚灘的魅力不僅在於其卓越的地理位置,還包括各種獨特的設施。僅有的四套雙層、三層聯排別墅,提供寧靜的水景、私人泳池和寬廣露台,現代奢華生活輕鬆擁有。700 坪公設,從遊艇船位到渡假小屋,阿爾巴棕櫚灘都旨在提升住戶的生活體驗。
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Nestled in the heart of the burgeoning Northwood neighborhood of West Palm Beach, Florida, Alba Palm Beach will stand tall as the sole new development directly located on the picturesque Intracoastal waterways. The fusion of an enviable locale with unparalleled amenities and luxurious design creates an oasis of just 55 boutique residences. At Alba Palm Beach, location is not merely a backdrop but a defining feature. With direct water access and panoramic vistas, residents are immersed in the tranquility of waterfront living while being mere moments away from the vibrant pulse of downtown West Palm Beach featuring a tapestry of fine dining, upscale shopping, cultural experiences, and business opportunities. The allure of Alba Palm Beach extends beyond its prime location to encompass an array of unique offerings. A selection of just four two- and three- story townhomes boast serene water views, private plunge pools, and multi- floor terraces, elevating the concept of modern luxury living. Embracing a holistic approach to luxury living, Alba Palm Beach presents residents with 25,000 square feet of bespoke amenities. From day dock boat slips to a sunrise and sunset pool adorned with private cabanas every facet of Alba is designed to elevate the resident experience. more |
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